
official website!

We love you!

When you tap on the hotline button, it will direct you to a website with hotlines for every area! Please stay safe, everyone! We love you!


You are all valid!! Don’t listen to anyone else! You don’t have to pick just one gender to like when they’re both hot! Bisexual is real, and everyone who is bi is proud!


PaNsExUaL iS tHe SaMe As Bi- okay, yeah, I’m not like that. Pansexuals! You’re all valid, and you’re not bi! If you were valid, you wouldn’t have a sexuality and I’m pretty sure “pansexual” is a real word. You’re all awesome and somewhat chaotic, but I love it.

Gays! (Boys)

Hey! You! Even if your dad doesn’t understand that guys are hot, it 👏 doesn’t 👏 matter 👏 ❗️ You are who you are and I’m proud of you, closeted or not! You don’t have to be a stereotypical gay and you don’t need to be that straight white girl’s best friend. You do you❗️


Hey fellow lesbians! I think we can all agree on one thing: girls are hella hot. You are too and, even if your parents aren’t accepting or your school is full of straight girls, or it’s so, so hard to talk to girls, you’re going to have a wife one day! Even if you’re still closeted, don’t worry. Everything is going to work out for you!


Yeah, I know. Dysphoria sucks. You are all beautiful women and handsome men, I don’t care what stage you’re at in your transition! Your life matters. There are so, so many people that respect you and will try their hardest to get your pronouns right! I love you! Keep your head up!

Not any of these? Dm me on Instagram or email me for advice! I’ll try to help the best we can! Don’t be nervous or scared, you’re amazing!

( Made with Carrd )